6 pillars of Islam that must be trusted and remembered

Faith is a sense of trust that cannot be swayed. In addition to a sense of trust, faith can also be called an act that justifies, and always carries on.
So looking at the explanation above, faith is an act of trusting with all your heart, justifying, and doing it really really without doubt.
The way to carry out the six pillars of faith is to believe wholeheartedly within us, while doing or practicing in the real world is a form of carrying out the pillars of faith in a visible physical form. Even so, one's faith must experience an ups and downs. That is a natural thing because we must remain confident and always improve this life by always worshiping and praying to God (Allah).
There are 6 pillars of faith, which are the foundation and blessings for a Muslim who must be believed. There are 6 pillars of faith that must be believed and in a fixed order. The following pillars of faith:
Faith in Allah
Faith in the angels of God
Faith in God's Books
Faith To Allah's Apostles
Faith in the End Times
Faith To Qada and Qadhar
Explanation of the six pillars of faith

1. Faith in God
Believe, believe, and justify that God (Allah) exists. And the only god who has the right to be worshiped and has no children or children.
Faith in God is the most important faith. Even my first teacher said that Koran anyone, how big is that person's sin if he still remembers and believes that God exists and only he is worthy of worship then he will still go to heaven, even though he must go through hell who knows how long.
How to believe in Allah
We must believe that God exists, does not have children or have children, trusts the power of God, the names of Allah, and the great qualities of God. Meanwhile, to apply in our daily lives we must always be devout to worship, always mention his name, always pray for forgiveness.
2. Faith in the Angel of God
Angels are one of God's creatures created from light. They are always obedient and always carry out the worship and commands of God without stopping continuously. Angels who have no appetite, food, drink and even sexual needs.
Faith in angels is the second pillar of faith. Believe wholeheartedly that the existence of angels makes humans always obey and remember God.
The number of angels themselves is too many or even countless. But what is written in the Qur'an that we are obliged to know are ten angels. Here are ten angels and their duties:
Duty as a messenger and teach it to the prophets and messengers of God.

Angels are tasked with providing sustenance to all of God's creatures.

An angel who will be on duty on the last day, he is the trumpet blower on the Day of Judgment and the day of the resurrection of man and the universe (yaumul ba'ats).

Munkar and Nakir
 Two angels who are tasked with examining human charity and worship in the realm of Barzakh.

Angel of Death.

Duty to record good deeds during human life.

In charge of noting human bad deeds.

In charge of guarding the gates of hell
The guardian angel of heaven's door.

Read also name 10 angels
3. Faith in God's books
God's word was revealed to 4 prophets Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad. Through the intermediary angel Gabriel in charge of delivering revelations. The Muslim holy book itself is the Koran but there are other books which are also the books of God. The books of God include:

-A law

The Torah is a holy book that was revealed through the Prophet Moses.


Zabur is a holy book brought through David.


The Gospel is a holy book that was revealed to Prophet Jesus.


The Qur'an is a collection of the words of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Qur'an was revealed through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad. Al-quran has other names namely Al-Kitab, Al-Furqon, Adz-Dhikr, Al-Mau'idhah, Al-Hukm, Al-Hikmah, Asy-Syifa ’, and others.
4. Faith in the Prophet and Allah's Apostle
The Prophet and Prophet were human beings who were sent by Allah and given Revelations through the angel Gabriel to spread the religion of Islam. While the number of prophets. But the number of prophets and prophets on this earth is countless but the prophet Muhammad is the last and final Prophet and Prophet. The Qur'an explains that there are 25 prophets that must be known, here are the names of those 25 prophets: Prophet Adam, Idris, Noah, Hud, Sholeh, Ibrahim, Lut, Ismail, Ishaq, Ya'qub, Yusuf, Ayyub, Syuaib, Harun, Musa, Ilyasa ', Dzulkifli, Dawud, Sulaiman, Ilyas, Yunus, Zakaria, Yahya, Isa and Muhammad SAW.
5. Faith in the last day
We are obliged to believe that the coming day or Akherat will come, as Allah SWT says in the Qur'an. It was explained that the end would come

6. Faith in Qadla and Qadar

We must believe that everything that has happened and will happen, all of that, according to what has been determined and determined by God, since before (the time of azali). So everything (good and bad luck) has been arranged with written plans or certain restrictions. But we cannot find out before it happens. The previous plan was Qadar or Destiny, meaning endless.

Implementation in the form of reality, called Qadla means the decision of the act (implementation).

That is the explanation of the 6 pillars of faith. If there are errors please comment below.
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