Understanding name and task of angels-as Muslims

Understanding, name and task of angels-as Muslims, of course the term Angels is no longer familiar in our ears right?
The angel was very numerous, but there were 10 angels who were obliged to be known and discovered. In this article will be explained about the notion of angels in Islam, the name of the angel of God and the assignment of the 10 angels.
Etymologically the "Angels" (ملاءكة) is the plural of the word "Malaka" (ملك) which means power, and derived from the Masdar Al-Alukah which means treatise or mission.
Angels are God beings created from An-Nur (light), as the hadith of Rosulullah meaning more or less "has been created angels from the Light".
For a Muslim it is obligatory to have faith in the angels, for faith in the Angels is a second part of the faith.
Faith in the angel here refers to how to compensate that there is an angel, even though we can not see the angel himself, and believe that it is a creature of God created from the light.
The angel always worshipped God and never did it and was subject to obedience to all the orders of the Khalik, so that angels never sinned.
Even though humans are not able to see angels, but with God's permission if he wants to, then man will be able to see angels, and this incident usually happens to the corrupted and prophet of Allah.
Although the Angels are always obedient and worship God, indeed the worship of man and Jinn is more liked by Allah Ta'ala.
Nature of Angels
Angels are creatures created by God ALMIGHTY without lust, so that they know only obedience to God.
Below are the characteristics of the angels mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith:
Angels are always obedient to all things commanded by Allah SWT and do not refute the commandment at all.
Angels never do Anything forbidden by Allah SWT.
Angels always worship Allah SWT with Bertasbih, prostrate or with whatever is commanded by him.
Angels are not proud or proud, even though they always worship God until the day of judgment. It is very different from humans who sometimes have feelings of Ujub or proud of the charity worship that has been done.
Angels are always plea to the believers.
Angels will feel happy when there is a Muslim managed to reach Laylat al Qadar.
Angels can be transformed into human or as they wish for God's permission.
Names of angels and their duties
The number of angels is very much and there is nothing to know about the number of angels, except that Allaah is the only one who knows their number.
Yet there are 10 angels that we must know which they have different tasks, and here are the names of angels with their duties:
1. The angel Gabriel
The angel Gabriel was the angel assigned to convey the revelation to the apostles of God and was also assigned to blow the spirit at every fetus at the time of the mother.
"And neither do we (Gabriel) go down, save it be with the commandment of your Lord, the things which lie before us, the things which are behind Kuta, and the things which are among the lies and not your Lord forgot" (QS Mawyam: 64)
"(He) the most high degree of him, who had Arsy, whom Gabriel brought with (carrying) his command to whom he desired among his servants that he should warn (man) about the day of the meeting (the Day of Judgment)." (QS al Mukmin: 15)
And the question now is after there is no prophet and apostle, then what is his work now?
Some scholars argue that this is now the angel Gabriel served to divide the knowledge. This is as the revelation that is part of science.
2. The Archangel Michael
The angel of Micail is an assigned angel who is assigned to give to the creatures of the world, as well as the angel of Michael also who is tasked with regulating rain, wind, and plants.
3. The Angel of Israfil
The angel of Israfil was the angel assigned to blow the trumpet on the day of Resurrection.
This angel served to blow the trumpet that contents are spirit or life of all creatures that have been lifted from the Prophet Adam until tomorrow the day of judgement.
After all died, God revived the Isrofil Angel and told him to blow the trumpet so that all the spirits return to their respective bodies so that they would live again. This is called the Day of Resurrection.
4. Angel of Izrail
The angel of Izrail is an angel assigned to lift the lives of all living creatures.
There is an interesting question about this angel. Will this life-sustaining angel die? If dying how to death? For in the last day, all living beings will not be detached from the Angel Izrail.
In some literature, Izrail will report to God that all beings have been deprived of his life. But God told him there were still remaining.
Then Izrail surrounds the universe again to make sure where the creature is. But until the end was not met, then he faced to God to report that there was nothing left.
But God said the same thing. It is repeated up to 3 times. So in the end God tells me that the creature in question is himself. So he directly plucked his own life.
5. The Angel Munkar
Angel Wrongdoing – One of the names of Angels and his task to be known to Muslims is the wrongdoing Angel in charge of questioning the man who was buried. This angel only went to the person who was in his life always doing evil.
This angel came with a very creepy stature while carrying a godam. If the person asked is unable to answer then he will be struck with a godam until it is destroyed, then raised again to be questioned again. Likewise, until the day of resurrection.
6. The Angel of Nakir
The angel of his task was the same as the Angel Munkar, who questioned the human cause of the grave in his life.
The difference is that this angel only came to the people who during his life did good with a beautiful stature to behold.
So it can be said that the man who was visited by the Angel Munkar will be put in hell while the one who visited Nakir will be put into heaven.
7. Angel Raqib
The Angel Raqib was the angel assigned to record the good practice of man in the world.
8. The Angel of Atid
The angel of Atid was an angel assigned to record the bad practices of men while in the world.
"There is no saying that Pang is spoken but there is an angel of watchdog who is always present." (QS QAF: 18).
These two angels (Raqib and Atid) record the whole charity from waking up to sleeping again.
9. The Angel Malik
Angel Malik is the angel who was assigned to guard the door of Hell Allah ta'ala.
"O Those who believe, nourish yourselves and your deliverance from the fire of hell whose fuel is man and Stone, the guard of the rough, the harsh angels who disobeyed not the god of what he commanded them And always do that which is commanded. " (QS At Tahrim: 6).
10. Angel Ridwan
Angel Ridwan is an angel who was assigned to keep the heaven door of Allah ta'ala.
"And give glad tidings to those who believe and do good, that unto them is the heavens which flowing rivers in them. Each of them was given the sustenance of fruits in the heavens, they said, "This is once given to us first". They were given similar fruits and for them there were holy wives and they remained in them. " (QS Al Baqarah: 25)

Read also 6 pillars of islam

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